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ICS4ICS Credentials

ICS4ICS credentials allow an individual to demonstrate that they have obtained the required training, skills, and experience to perform specific ICS4ICS roles during a cyber incident.


What ICS4ICS Credentials Do For You

ICS4ICS credentials allow individuals to demonstrate that they have obtained the required training, skills, and experience to perform specific ICS4ICS roles during a cyber incident.

""I became the Cyber Incident Commander at Rockwell Automation. My ICS4ICS Incident Commander credentials helped me stand out during the application process and enabled me to talk directly to what was needed to fulfill the role. I feel that it made a massive difference and ultimately led to me being selected for the position.""

- Daniel Swann
Cyber Incident Commander for Rockwell Automation

ICS4ICS Credentials Applications

This is the list of the ICS4ICS roles along with a link to the credential applications, which describes the training, skills, and experience needed to obtain each credential by role.

  • Type 4 credentials allow people to work at the least complicated incidents.

    • No application is required

    • After completing FEMA Training required for Type 4, Watch this video.

  • Type 3 credentials allow people to work on more complex incidents. 



Incident Commander
Best suited for people who manage a team responsible for incidents including leading people in the roles below
Operations Section Chief 
Best suited for people who perform various tasks to manage computer, OT, or cyber incidents
Planning section chief

Best suited for people who perform planning activities including coordination, facilitation, and team stakeholder engagement

Logistics section chief

Best suited for people who coordinate logistics like food and transportation for team members

Finance/Admin section chief

Best suited for people who understand financial reporting and coordination with others in the finance organization

safety officer

Best suited for people with the ability to lead a team of health, environment, and safety experts to protect people, community, etc.

public information officer

Best suited for people with the ability to prepare and coordinate communications for internal and external audiences

document unit leader

Best suited for people with the ability to prepare and coordinate communications for internal and external audiences


Credentialing Instructions

Select and download the ICS4ICS role that you would like to obtain the credentials for.

You must complete the Type 4 (least complicated incident) certification before applying for Type 3 (more complicated incident) application.

Complete the required training described in the application.

Update the application describing your skills and experience along with the training courses you completed.

Submit your application and training certificates to the ICS4ICS Adjudication Committee.

Email your application and certificates to the The ICS4ICS Adjudication Committee meets monthly and will provide you with feedback and/or approval of your application

View the ICS4ICS Adjudication Committee Process Steps

If you have any questions or need help with ICS4ICS credentials, contact

The ICS4ICS training & credentials team identifies training and credential requirements and identifies people to create materials. The team meets monthly. If you want to join the ICS4ICS training & credentials team, complete the form.

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